Templates to choose from while creating a new project


Is it possible for you to add support for templates to choose from before creating a new project. Just like Android Studio.

Here is a link what I’m talking about. You can arrange these and import these to the project instead of creating an empty one.

This will be so useful.


Hello, I have created these templates, I could share them with Makeroid, so they could use it together with import from repository option, although I would like to get credits :smile:
Best regards, Ben


It will be great @Ben


So is it possible?

@Ben also accepted.

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After the user clicked on the new project button firstly the option to name the project could come up. After that, the templates could show up. And the project will open.

And…another suggestion:

Is it possible to add the project package name dialog to the project creation dialog like the older build?

With all these suggestions, it would be great to create a small project creation wizard. Step by Step. It would be great. :slight_smile:

And not only a new project is getting created this wizard should open everytime the user wants to create a new screen.

Sure, just contact me and and I’ll take a look into this + I will add additional bottom navigation bar template.


Any updates?