The app crashes, see my LOG (Seems to be Firebase)

Colleagues, I need help with this LOG, the app breaks, it does not start, my firebase configurations are fine.
I imported the last backup aia and the error occurs.
The app in playstore is the ABB of this latest backup so it was perfect.

Admob of @Jewel
Onesiganal @iamwsumit

logA.txt (72.6 KB)

The AdMob extension doesn’t use the

03:03:04.010	22703	22703	E	java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider 		
						Unsatisfied dependency for component Component
						<[class, interface]>
						{2, type=0, deps=[Dependency{anInterface=interface, type=required, direct=false},
						Dependency{anInterface=class, type=required, 						direct=true}]}: interface

Thanks for the observation! do you have any suggestions?
remove the Admob extensions and the problem persists, until I remove firebase.auth

Sorry, I don’t mean that the cause was the admob extension, in fact everything was working fine.
The last ABB was on 09/23 and now I compiled again without changing anything and it fails when starting.

The problem is with firebase.auth but I don’t know what to do about it

Is it extension or inbuilt component?

inbuilt component

2 months ago I tried to recover an aia, at the time of creating it it worked perfectly, in fact it is the version that I have in playstore.
During this time I have thoroughly reviewed each screen and there are no errors, but the application does not start.

In order to rule out that the problem is one of the extensions

  • Create a new project.
  • I put all the same extensions in the same versions.
  • User the same json from the firebase backup.
  • I put the same package name com.xxxx.xx
  • The test apk starts.

(but the original apk with no)

  • I tried updating all the extensions and to no avail.
  • I also tried deactivating all the screen blocks.

It is a very big project to start from scratch, without any guarantee that it will work.
Please I need help, in the publication leave the Log, in case someone knowledgeable can give me help

Use logcat to find out what is going on


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The Logcat log is available in the publication

Yes, sorry I missed it…
Yes, something with firebase… sorry, I can’t help with that…
Try to create a new test project to see, if firebase generally is working for you


thanks for the observation.
If you thought about some of that, the build process and the Firebase libraries that Kodular provides, then in test mode create a new project, use the same versions of extensions and even the Firebase json that you use in the original app. the same package name and the test apk does not break, it boots fine.
Also to rule out any function or blocking problem, they were disabled on all screens and nothing changed, I deleted practically all the Assets, I deleted screens to detect if any had the problem, I also deleted the extensions one by one and nothing did the startup the application.
I have many backup copies and the same thing happens with all of them.
The last backup corresponds to the application that I uploaded to playstore, so it was working fine.