The code works in companion but the apk doesn't work either

blocks (2)

This code works in compainon

It saddens me to receive such an error towards the end of my project. Thanks to the person who solved it in advance.

and what exactly does not work? what happens and what do you expect to happen?
what is the response code in the Row Created event?



does not create row

what is the response code in the Row Created event?

There is no response code because the trouble is not working.
I’m telling from the beginning with pictures.
While testing, I press the “Text for Button4” Button.
blocks (4)
and this block is working
I extract the application as apk and this block does not work.
blocks (6)
It doesn’t work here either.

Note:They work in Kodular Companion application

what is the response code in the Row Created event if you test using the companion app?
also you might want to switch screens corectly…



During the test, the response code is 200

Spreadsheet takes time to respond.(a lot of time)

I finally figured it out.
Promlem was switch screen.
blocks (7) 4
This is the correct switch screen.

You probably have another screen prior to the one you are running on the companion. When you generate the apk the system calls the first screen of your application. Do the following: In the initialize of the first screen, call the screen of your application.

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