Upload and play online audio

So my objective is this: an app that lets users pick an audio from their phone, upload the audio to an online service and every user that has the app can see an automated list of all audios uploaded. If the user clicks the audio, this one starts playing.
I’ve been trying to archieve this, but Tiny Web DB seems to only store data (no .mp3 files) and with cloudinary I can only see the option to upload. I think that making the audio player get it’s source from a link to the cloudinary file might work, but I would have to manualy enter the cloudinary link via the app creator so the audio player knows where to get the source from, and I want that to be automated.

First, think about copyright infringement.

You are not trying to solve my problem and also you haven’t considered that those audios could be from my property, for example, some recordings from my phone mic.

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Use cloudenary to upload and when uploaded successfully thats give you link of uploaded item, save that to airtable in list and get items with that links which all stored to airtable for every upload, but make sure cloudnary gives limits for band width and upload data


Seems a good way to do it, I will try it and post my results. Thanks.

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Welcome, that is a working method and personally i used it, and works better, also you can use firebase database if cloudnary is slow or using higher bandwidth

But can firebase database store files such as .mp3? Because I’ve done a quick look and i see it stores “values”.

Not database, use firebase storage, you will find an extension name firebase storage , that can helps you

Try this if it works for audio files,

I have about 5000 audio tracks on my device in different folders. Of these, about 20 self-created (private) audio tracks. How can you / the user pick only private files? That’s what I meant.

Well, It’s an app that only my friends will use and its main purpose is to have whatsapp audios that we have sent on our group chat. Basically we want those audios to be organized in one place (this app), and play them whenever we want just for fun, because some of these audios have ascended to a meme level in our group chat. So in response to you: my friends will only upload audios that we have recorded.

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