Using FaceExtension at kodular

Did any one use FaceExtension before i get it at app inventor aia but need support
Facemesh_TestProject.aia (2.8 MB)

You could always search MIT’s App Inventor community for Facemesh

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i need help as follow
i need to use face mesh technology to detect face and save image to use it in attendance app

Haven’t tested so I can not help. Also have a look at

in this tutorials canvas can view base 64 is this available now???

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Yes it is. I suggest to ask more in MIT App Inventor’s community because I believe you will get more help with specific extension


could you please share this extension with me

haven’t canvas extension

Canvas isn’t an extension is a component in MIT App Inventor.

its different than kodular

Different creators → different blocks

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can i get canvas extension from another course

I suggest to use MIT App Inventor with the specific extension and not Kodular.

kodular give me a lot of feature that i can use so its important to me use it

Maybe for detecting face you could use another extension. You could always check in App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps