Vertical arrangement limit

Hello everyone,
I saw that creating multi screen can be avoid by using mulpiple vertical arrangement. I’m wondering this :

  1. is there a limit of the number of vertical arrangement (by Kodular or even generally to avoid my smartphone to burn) ?
  2. is there a limit of app size with Kodular ?
  3. if many of my vertical arrangements display photo/icons/background… are these elements taking memory even if vertical arrangements are not visible ?
  4. if yes, is there a way to unload a vertical arrangement instead of just make it invisible ?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

32 mb is the limit

There is no limit but you might get a dx error if you use too many components, so you should use this extension

Use the extension it will help you

  1. It depends what device. There is no limit in kodular.
  2. Yes, I think it is 25MB.
    I need help, my app is bigger than 25mb
  3. Yes, it takes memory. There is a post from @bodymindpower, but I forgot where is it. @bodymindpower can you explain please?
  4. You can use dynamic vertical arrangement. The extension link:
    [FREE / Open Source] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component)
    You can remove over time and create a new vertical arrangement.

I don’t think it is 25 mb as my app itself was 25. 5 mb, the limit it 32 mb

And you need to use your blocks and components in a smarter way, try reusing the components as much you can and if possible do everything in Screen1 don’t need more screens

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See that’s what I was telling I told about 32 mb storage and also about dx errors

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Guys don’t go off topic :blush:


Thanks all, I’ll take a look at this extension :wink: :+1:

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Is this 32mb max app size take into account the sqlite database or not ?
Actually I have to save flag icons of all countries and I’m wondering if it would be the same if I store them into my sqlite db or in png in Assets :confused:
flag icon in 256px resolution is about 50kb so with about 200 countries, I have to deal with about 10Mb :astonished:
Can you enlight me please ?

You can use this extension which has all flags already present, you just need to store the country code in your database

Sizing will be the problem as this extension Provides flags of max 64 px


Yes you could use it like online images to save storage

Thanks for this extension… but the icon is very small on my phone !
32mb size is the limit for Kodular to create the apk ? So if whole app (code + assets + db) is less than this limit it is good ?

Would it be possible for exemple when first run of the app to ask to download a zip file of all flag icons then add them to the app folder, in order to use them ?
If it possible the question is how to store the zip file in order to download it on demand :neutral_face:

(Sorry these questions are surelly stupid) :sweat_smile:

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You can download all the images of flags on the first run of your using this @Taifun’s tutorial :point_down:

How to overcome the App Inventor project limit of 10 MB

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