Video call [FREE]: Using


There is no need for App Secret, right?


well there is a need of app secret

i will agree with you

1 Like

Worked finely for me but, I have a secret that makes it work in any way :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :hugs: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

how to extend token time for long time, bcoz i not able to time to time re-generate token

so plz if you have any idea. then plzz share your things

why are you not share it is for all user

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They say it right, why don’t you share it and it doesn’t work outside of agora screen 1 ???

thank you


Where Is The Extension And Code For The Picture In Picture?

Hello, how do we use this on the web, to which server do we upload these html and js pages?


thank you


hello i new in kodular so i don not know so much to make a meeting app i show this tutorial
show this error in compenion

please help me !

Most probably because one of the extensions you are using is outdated

how its work can you help me

show only white screen
doec not open camera

The author of this example is not active anymore in this community, you can still use it, but it comes without support

I would test it using a real device instead of an emulator


thank you so much

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/content/ContextCompat;

Getting this error

Already answered here
