Video call [FREE]: Using

Hey, i was using this project, and i got an error:

Runtime Error
Unable to find explicit activity class {io.kodular.darktomdj.VideoCallAppChkPnt/com.jdl.Permission.classPermissions};
have you declarated this activity in your AndroidManifiest.xml?.

This happened because i dont use this on Screen1?.

-Tomas Barak.

Merhaba bende bu sorunu bi süre yaşadım sebebi ekran 1 de kullanmamış olmak bende bir mesajlaşma uygulaması yapmışım bu uygulamayı da ekran 2 ye eklemiştim fakat bu uygulama çalışmadı

Hello, I’ve had this problem for a while, because I haven’t used it on screen 1, I’ve made a messaging application, I’ve added screen 2 in this appendix, but this application didn’t work.


Good morning,
I was solved this issue, I had to request the permissions 1 by 1 when the user initialize the application.
Now I can use this project on any screen.
I think that the problem is in the “listPermission” Extension, because I request the permissions manually before the listPermission request, and this solved my probleM.
-Tomas Barak.


Please help, I was having the same problem, but when I do it with the method you did, when I connect to video chat, I get a white screen and I cannot speak in any way.

Lütfen yardım edin, ben de aynı problemi yaşıyordum ama bunu sizin yaptığınız yöntemle yaptığımda, görüntülü sohbete bağlandığımda beyaz bir ekran görüyorum ve hiçbir şekilde konuşamıyorum.

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@FIKIR_KUMESI Post only in English.


Try to activate the permissions manually in the app settings.
Make sure that you are requesting all of Video-Chatting permissions (Camera, Microphone, Read and write external storage) and you must acept all of permissions that you request, if you do not acept all, this will not work. Too, Make sure that you have uploaded all of files to your Kodular project assets.
-Tomas Barak


I will say something, which of them will be on screen 1 Except block 1, the others cannot be on screen 1

The blocks that i have shared with you aren’t in screen1.
In my app, when the user initializes Screen1, a countdown is enabled, when the countdown finish, another screen is opened, in this screen i put the blocks (Not in Screen1).
-Tomas Barak

Well, do I have a chance to do this without counting down

In other words, the user who will ask for permission in screeen 1 will go to screen 2 and talk video

Yes, you can do that with a button, for example:
When the user click a button, open another screen.
-Tomas Barak.

I’m doing that but the screen turns white during video chat on screen 2

No, the video chat will be in another screen, for example:
I have 3 screens(Screen1,PermissionsScreen,VideochatScreen)
When the user click a button on Screen1, will open PermissionsScreen.
Now, In PermissionsScren, you can request all permissions that you need, when all permissions are granted, you can open the VideochatScreen.
-Tomas Barak.

these codes are for permission screen, I’ll try now thanks


After trying that please tell me if this work.
-Tomas Barak.

The white screen has arrived again.

Share an AIA if you’d like to explain just that part

Please share the blocks, the components, and the assets that you are using.


-Tomas Barak

this leave section

already agario io screen same minor changes

Have you uploaded to your app assets the files: “agora-interface”, “AgoraRTCSDK-3.0.2”, “index”, “style”, “ui” and “viceo”?