Today’s i see one thing on my paid apps which are now live on google. Basically i sellect (no, it has no ads) option in play console or I’m not use admob or Facebook ads components in my app but play console show me that issue. Why they show that?
you can select no an continue, it maybe happens because sometimes we add and delete ads component and it dosnt deleted completed or any default sdk for commission system type, so you can select no and continue.
I see you asked the exact same question on the Thunkable Forum. Have you created apps with both builders? Please post links to your apps on the Play Store or wherever they can be downloaded from.
Make sure your aia file doesn’t have any ad component or blocks. Please check it and remove if by mistake left any…and select no and continue. There is nothing dangerous in this. If there will be any danger…you’ll get notified or may receive a mail.