WebView External Browser

Hello! I would like to address a question, and if possible I would like to get your help.

I’m creating an app to open a website that is all ready for functionality.

The question is as follows. On that respective website, there is a part where you have information on partner companies with a redirect link to, company location, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

When I click on these links they open in the “webview”. I created a verification block of the Current URL, where it does not contain the website url, opens the “External Browser”.

So far so good, but when I go back to the app and click on go back to another page on the site, it continues from that moment always opening the “External Browser”.

Is it possible for him to open only the link in question in the “External Browser” and the website continues to browse the “webview”?

I didn’t understood your problem totally but it is related to web view and using external browser.

So i think Google chrome custom tabs component may help you.

I’m sorry, how does this implementation on Kodular?

It is available in experimental category. Check out.

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You could try using something like this:
There is also a “Follow links” block for webviewers that might prove useful.