What is the benefit of using Google Spreadsheet?

What is the benefit of using Google Spreadsheet instead of using other database like firebase?

Easy customisation and easily can look for query . . Likewise multiple benefits are there.

What is your expectation with anydatabase?

I am making an educational app. There will be login, quiz, group chat, list view, youtube video player,course, payment request and many others options.

dont use it in login system.

Always store passwords not as plain text but as hash values .


Sometimes, when there is a failure to get the link address within the web component for some reason, it may be because there is no internet or there is internet but it shows a failure to get the link data, the error In KODULAR appears in the form of google spreadsheet url so any user with this link can see All users data .


  1. catch errors in the Screen.ErrorOccurred event and in case of an error, display a nice error message

  2. in the Web.GotText event check, if the response Code is 200 (i.e. ok)… if not, display a nice error message
