Your app has not been approved to serve ads(?)

After opening the new google ad manager system to all, I applied and my account now says “Your Kodular account is ready to show ads”

I did everything on the page “Monetization - Kodular Docs” I managed my app-ads.txt file with kodular publisher ID.

I put banner ad to my app (which is already on google play) I put google ad id to its place. I checked test mode to test it before putting it to the google play store.

But when I export apk to my phone it says “Your app has not been approved to serve ads. Please go to and request approval for your app”

What am I doing wrong? Or What should I do?


If you download your app from play store. Then you don’t to approve from kodular. It will automatically show your ad no need to approve. But if you need to test your ad then you must be approve from kodular team no matter your app published on play store or not

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