Add List of features you wanted to run in background or foreground or app gets completely closed

Hello koders , this post is for you all, list out the features you wanted to run in background or foreground (even if app is closed) I will try to create your imagination and post it in this post so that everyone can learn.

Some of them created by me :-

Soon ill upload more

Thankyou :slightly_smiling_face:

Willing to donate for my work ?


For now it is just a discuss topic. Let’s see if it can turn into a resource guide topic.


Want to start the countdown timer from the background for the product if it is out of stock !!

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@Anu You wanted to send countdown notification when you changed the value of firebase to “out of stock” ? If this is correct then what to do next after countdown completes

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Buy button will be visible on countdown finish

If it is not available then button visibility set to false and show countdown there of time when it will be in stock.

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This is catually Good one man… if anyone pinned this topic globally , you may get plenty of queries… anyway. All the best. Carry on…


Ok I got your imagination soon I’ll try this up and post up here :slight_smile:

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i’m making a browser but want a guide for background downloading

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As per in pm you said to make a 24hr formate countdown timer I think it’s not possible without extension or even if it’s possible without extension then it will won’t need any type of background services.

Surely I’ll add that here with progress bar :+1:

What I suggest you is, if any product is out of stock then you can add that name in firebase… and also add the countdown starting day or time

When screen initiali, you can call app to checkup is there any stock name is present in this tag (out of stock) if there and find the difference between firebase stored date and time with present day and time. If it fulfills the condition then make button to visible and proceed further . Am I said clearly anything??

Actually what @Anu10 wants is different not his one

Hello… I want to load data from Google Spreadsheet in baground, then how can I do it?

That’s pretty easy, you can do that. :upside_down_face: :wink:

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What you wanted to do after data get’s load ?

Congratulations for making yourself available. I can’t think in nothing right now but I will follow your topic

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Im begginer user. I did mi First app with my favorite shoutcast radio Player. Work Great, but after 2,3 minutest suddenly stop - break sound. Do you have any solution?

Best Regards

Are you running it in background ?

Hi there! I am creating an app similar to uber and would like to open the driver app from background to foreground when it detects a change in the firebase tag “UID / request”. I also want to save in firebase the location of the driver every 60 seconds. I would like to sponsor this guide for everyone as I need it urgently, I thank you very much.

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For first app :-
Your app looks like one app for user and one for driver when user ask / request driver app will open automatically(I would suggest to show notification) auto opening app may cause security causes for play console, I am not confirmed. I’ll shortly post both app here