Admob in Kodular Premium?

I also purchased the premium version today and I believe it will only be enabled on 7/11/22

If you see AdMob ads in premium, then please tell me that.

They said it would be an external component
Meaning you have to buy a component from any external developer
We asked them that we want an internal component of Admob for premium subscribers, and we have not received a response yet
Please note that the offer will expire in two days

It’s not enabled by kodular right now,but you can use Any ads Components in Premium!

i am use admob extension kodular premium account not working

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Maybe you should read from when it starts to apply

Edit: click on the date and you will get more info, oops I just saw for my self that it is a timeframe

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We asked them that we want an internal component of Admob for premium subscribers


I am a regular free Kodular user . I want to upgrade to premium . I want internal Admob components by Kodular. How to get it ?

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Admob component isn’t available anymore, even in premium plan, but you can use an extension

have you Admob extension?

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There is a free extension
I will send you the link

with kodular premium can i get approved ads in my app? and if its not in play store ?

App Without Playstore Ads Now Show


Many error on this extension not working

I think you didn’t try the documentation properly…!

Components are great but needs updating
Example in interstitial ads and rewarded video ads
Close the ad, there is no block for that, and what happens if it is closed?
When the advertisement is completed, there is no block for that
We want how the time before the ad feature can appear as it appears in Facebook and YouTube video ads – (An ad will appear after 5 seconds)

Can You Show Me how to setup the block
App id extension already build on niotron ide

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