Animated Side menu | Custom Side Menu || Guide with Video Tutorial

But why are you just considering calculator, it can also be implemented in different apps.

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Yes you did it and worked too…

But right now try to create without fading same as challenge video

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how you detect slide using animation utils…

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We have to manage it broo. That’s little tricky part I’m preparing guide on it.

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@themaayur can i get this Calculator .aia
i will not Copy Paste

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Actually it’s not a seperate aia I made some changes in custom notifier guide’s aia.
I will create a different aia with more specific and less blocks. Wait till my online lecture ends :sweat_smile:

I think @nikzdreamer2001 is talking about these components.


Ok so only i am not only like that :grin:

Yes I mainly use that

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might be #off-topic
when i create card view in a card view it has some gap on all sides how can i remove that.

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Just set all the padding to 0

Set padding to 0

P.S. @Xoma you are so fast :sweat_smile:


Dont Works :crazy_face:

Any preview or screenshot?

Padding of card view in which other card view is there.
And margin of the child card View to 0

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all padding is 0

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Hoo, use decoration compoentn.

Margins of green to 0

Your question was unclear

i cant find margins option

Use decoration component.

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