have an algorithm that follows the following sequence:
check if the CPF field in tinydb is empty or not. If it is, I call the screen via visible = .t …
In this screen the user enters his CPF, check if he is a student registered in MYSQL.
If I record your CPF in tinydb.
But, the BURGER MENU should only be enabled after this routine happens. Asynchronously the menu is enabled so the user can open the menu and use the app routines without registering the CPF in tinydb. How to solve it?
I created the variable to open only in a desperate attempt to call abremenu only if the variable is set to 1. Never before …
the web component works asynchronously
so if you want something to happen after the Post Text method was executed, then move all blocks below that method into the Web.GotText event
I am taking a test. And this test and I force him into then, so (theoretically) he doesn’t go through the web content (which I learned from his asynchronous answer)
Before calling the vercpf procedure clean tinydb.
And that’s why I have this question. And I created the post.
I can’t find why this behavior. This app for students to download and the first time they use will have to register their social security number. But, the slide menu cannot be active before it clicks the “register CPF” button. I can’t release the app to the students.