Can I play Youtube video in app if I change it from public to unlisted

I want to play youtube video in my app but don’t want to show those videos on youtube so if I will do it as unlisted from public so can I able to play it in app without my problem

You should try it, to find your answer since not everyone here has time to test.

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Ok thnxx for telling I will definitely try it

Yes, you can play any youtube video in your app not matter the video is public or unlisted.

but make sure your video not have any copyrigh claim.

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If you make your video privacy private you cannot use it.
But if you make your video privacy unlisted then you can use it without any issue.

does Kodular have a solution how to play private video in YouTube ?

You could’ve looked through the topic :wine_glass:

Yes the public and unlisted I already make it but the private video its not working, you need to open it to browse ang login to YouTube account who has the access to the video.

That’s because private videos can only be played from the uploaders account. There’s no way to play Private videos unless you login with the uploaders account which would be impossible, unless you’re them.

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how can I make the users youtube account login to my app, don’t know how to connect my App to youtube using API key

You’d have to look that up.

Why would you set a video’s status to private if you share it with others?

If you guys set the video unlisted then people can see the video using video link. If you set it private then only allowed person can watch that video…

Yes. You can play at unlisted mode

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