Is Sharing YouTube Video is Illegal

I want to create an application. I want to share some YouTube videos in it.

Is it safe to share YouTube videos in App? Is Kodular approve my Monetization Request?

YouTube videos and advertisement doesn’t sound better. You can share YouTube videos on app but you can’t put ads in it. Kodular won’t approve your monetization request and Play Store will also reject your app.
You can still make apps with YouTube videos but without ads on it. At least not on that screen.


Even i had a simmler query.

Suppose i create an app with the following features :

My YouTube videos (that i created and uploaded, my channel basically)

Aia files made by me

Extensions made by me

And i put a banner ad on every screen

Will kodular ever approve such app or not ?


I think, if you put youtube video and banner on same screen then no.

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