Alright, although, I tried using setHintColor and it also didn’t work, just letting you know.
Yes it seems that all the blocks where you can set properties after creation do not work.
@hammerhai For the First Time i Tried your Extension - Appreciating the Results.
Want To Know -
What are All the Possible Configurations.
Few Suggestions -
Update the First Post with All these Details & New Extension Download Link
Chamaeleon (Your Material Textfield) - #52 by FlailingOctopus
Default Theme Must Be - DO NOT APPLY
In Create Block i Think there is No Need of Configuration; A Seperate Block for Configuration will be Best.
If there is a Seperate Block for Configuration, then Most Probably there is No Need of All Other Seperate Configuration Blocks. -
When i Rest my Mouse Cursor on Create Block, The Yellow Box (Don’t Know What that is Called
) Pops and Says - Method to Create,
As in Method of Create there is also Configuration (For Now (And Maybe in Future Too)), it Must Also Display All the Keys of Configureation.
If you Follow Suggestion2, then Same /this should Apply on that Seperate Configuration Block.
Error /Bug -
Apart from Method to Create & Event for OnInputChanged No Other Block is Working.
Configurations - BOX_CORNER_RADIUS & SECONDARY_COLOR are Not Working.
Edit :
It Works, But Use it this Way
You are not using them correctly then.
So in conclusion, you will need to configure beforehand, and created textfield cannot be re-configured.
This is interesting behavior, but the Create method should be able to be called beforehand because default values are set in place.
The Configure block is there for options that are applied to all text fields, not just one. The configuration argument is used for the separate text fields.
The Configure block will not change anything created before it’s execution.
I Was Talking of Having Create Block Like -
And Configuration Should Be Seperated Like -
So, It Can Be Called With Respect To ID’s
This Will Remove The Need Of All These Seperate Blocks -
Yes, but what if no one wants to change a color to any other property, but one? Then they just set the property to the current property instead of changing it?
Personal Preference.
And Scenario Dependent.
Here are the blocks that are working, that I tested from the five.
- SetInput
- SetInputColor
I’m not sure about whether SetHintColor works because I’m getting an error, but I haven’t made any changes to that part so it might just be in general.
As many of you might know, I am a contributor to the Dynamic Components extension. I am busy with that right now and it’s looking that I will not be able to fix anything outside of the scope of the SetHintColor block unless it’s on my part. Please remove the blocks below from your projects before Tuesday if you plan on upgrading.
- SetBorderColor
- SetSecondaryColor
SetHintColor is unlikely to be removed because it’s a simple error that should be easy to fix. Do check back on Monday or early Tuesday morning if it’s not for you already, to see if I have updated this list to include SetHintColor!
Can you tell me, where you found out you can change the input type? No where… So no, I cannot tell you until I add it if I can
Thank you that is what I want to tell you. It is very necessary to textbox .
Where can i learn to use this?
if you read this whole post carefully, you will know how to use it