I was thinking about commenting every block in the ebook sample i made to make it easier for beginners to understand what each block or procedure does. It looks very crowded to me.
I first touched Kodular just a week ago. Thanks, i learnt how to put comments by looking at your blocks now. Usually when i write Python / JavaScript / C++ code i try to put comments but in Kodular didn’t try commenting till now.
Sometimes when I found it hard to understand why a particular block exists or I have used that.
Instead of commenting blocks I use to write it in notepad and save as file.And I use this in about screen. To kill two birds with one stone
I comment code for myself only - when I bisect a block, looking for bugs, I can’t remember how to arrange them back sequentially. So, I use comments to note that the particular block lies below which block.
Comments are very useful for me, and @peter u gave a great idea for organising them and keeping the screen clean
It depends, honestly. If I’m helping someone with a complex Kodular concept with an example AIA, I try to comment on the blocks to explain what each blocks does (much like the last image you shared), unless I’m in a hurry.
As for personal Koding, I do not comment on my blocks unless I’m ending my Koding session of the night in the middle of a block flow, in order to remind me what the thinking behind the blocks was. Emphasis on “thought process”, because I can study the block flow and understand what it does - the key part is to understand why. Otherwise this happens:
However, I also sometimes use desktop notes to remind me what to do next.
Not commenting my code has the unintended consequence of making optimization fairly impossible (although, not bragging, I do optimize my blocks reasonably before being done with it). Also, older projects become progressively harder to work on, thus demanding a rework.
The old programmer joke – nice to see it again.
Getting to the topic, I am lazy and never comment my Kodular code. I just find it harder than remembering everything. If I forget something, I can easily test with the “Do it” feature of the companion. Pro tip: use thoughtful component names.
I comment my code that’s written in other languages (Not sure if AI2 is a language) every time.