Creator - Design screen

I find the Design screen in Kodular Creator rather uncomfortable. I’m referring mainly to the Components part, on the right.


Unlike the Palette (on the left), where the categories of components you can choose are always visible, in the right side you have to jump back and forth between components and settings whenever you need to make changes. I think that the fact the list of components disappears with each selection of one of them is rather annoying and, in my opinion, makes the construction of the apps layout in Kodular very slow.

I think doing a similar thing to what exists in Thunkable would be something to consider.


I’m not saying to copy exactly their layout, but to do something more practical than what we have now. If this is possible, of course.

I don’t think this is a priority, but I just wanted to give my little feedback.

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I’m not understanding, would you rather have the right side be like the left side? Or vice-versa?

A more user friendly right side.

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In fact he just used to look like: :ok_hand: