[DISCONTINUED] Fancy RecyclerView Extension (List-Grid)+ ViewPager Effect (Build long lists efficiently)

This extension working offline? I can use this extension without online extension verification?

i can create this type list view.

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Yes, it works offline, it does not depend on a connection at all and you can also achieve that design, it is a good idea, I can show a demo if you want.

This extension Best for you. everything you need everything this extension has۔

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Hum, Please share the demo, I want to purchase this extension if this extension capable of fast image loading.

Already I have many listview extension but when I load 250+ data then it’s show this error :
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 234270732 byte allocation with 12573184 free bytes and 176MB until OOM

" i want to solve this problem "

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Is ready, the extension has a ZImage widget which lets you compress the image with a scale property this helps to save memory and also it uses a image loader to prevent that error.You can also place an image placeholder to display while images are loading (I forgot to place it so it’s not in the video). The overlay of the widgets can be achieved thanks to the ZStack widget that comes by default with the widgets.
I am leaving two attached videos.
See Components
Sorry for the poor quality of the first one, I can’t attach files larger than 4mb

And here: Youtube Preview

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Hello, I would like to buy this extension, how can I do it, could you send me a demo.

You can buy it on the extension page
The purchase comes with an aia file, exactly the one shown in the screenshots.

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Really i love this extension, I will buy this extension as soon as possible. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Does that extension support image and video together in the same list?

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For now it does not have a video player widget (can be integrated soon), but as seen in the demo, it is possible to create several types of views (in the same recyclerview) for the items. The widgets available for now are found on the extension’s website.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Now libraries with Android support have been implemented, according to Kodular’s update.

Hi, thanks you for this wonderful extension, I love it! But are there any ways to make a search function for this kind of list?

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nice extention but i want to buy this, How could i have to buy?

:kodular:eep :kodular:oding

nice extension

Hello, nice extension. Is it still available for purchase? I need it real fast.

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Yes, it can still be purchased in its final version.
Here: https://www.tedusoft.com/extensions/fancy_recyclerview

This extension is no longer supported, visit this link instead.