Dynamic card view height problem

When i clicking any button more than one, card view height increasing 2X.
here is my blocks and view image

when i click twice, it created unnecessary card and label .

Try using for Height = (1) X (Verical Scroll Arrangement height)

not working.
i think this maybe happen for loop.but i don’t know how to fix.

Can you please show us the blocks where the ans label is created?
It looks like there is unnecessary whitespace in that label

please look the above block where label created

I’m unable to see the full procedure, just up to Create Label (the question label) block.

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here is full procedure

use -2 in height

not working yet.same problem as like before.

use this in width and -2 in height

not working, when i press back button, and click again button , then the size of dynamic card view increasing and also create unnecessary cards.

Please try changing the background colour of the answer label to something easily visible and then send screenshots of the cards here.

Also, a sample APK/AIA would be nice, since there are blocks related to other components which seem to be causing issues

dynamic_cardscopy.aia (214.0 KB)

please check this aia

It works fine on my device.
However, clicking on the button more than once does create problems as you’ve mentioned above. This is because the indices you’re using to create the cards the second time have already been used in making the cards the first time

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how to solve this issue?

Finally i solved my problem.

How it is.?

When press back, then removing dynamic card and label id.
Then again click any item, create card and label dynamically. That’s it.