I am storing some key value pairs (Save Info Procedure). in a tinydb.
When i click on an item in the listveiw i want to pull out all the info for that ID and list the info back in there Textbox(txtName, txtMakeModel, txtJobHrs).
How it will be found? You are saving every data with ID+number in tinydb but you are trying to call data with tag name of ID only .
Instead use one global variable with create empty list
For each items in the list call tinydb tags
Call tinydb tag get items
If not found create empty list
When tag value found
Add items to the list global variable
Items get value
Welcome… see you have asked the query in kodular platform so i suggest you the method but you are showing mit app blocks it is different than K in some aspects… especially in tinydb and listview creation…
Then you should also ask there… the builders get more and more different and an answer in one community might not be the correct answer for the other community
also you are wasting other people’s time… you don’t want that, do you?
therefore next time please first choose the builder you like to use and then ask only in the corresponding community… thank you
I will close this thread
If there are still open questions, please ask in the App Inventor community and add a link to this thread