[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

Have you updated the extension? Bug will occur in previous versions.


Amazing extension!


I am using version 1.3 (4)

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Thank you so much :innocent:

Thanks for reporting that, I’m aware some types doesn’t work with SetProperty block, however, you can use Any Components blocks for setting the properties, I only recommend SetProperty block when editing a property that only exists in Designer.

component_set_get (1)

That idea sounds cool, I will try to implement a new block to change the component order in arrangements :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you, Tim! :smile:

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Of course, this works!!


Just got so used to the property setter, forgot all about the any component. Thank you yusuf.


You’re welcome! Let me know when you have other ideas or issues :smile:

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please add all reomve option

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This Is How You Do It -

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this metthoth work but i need 10000+ remove at same time


Just try, It should work.



Can guide how to do

Hi is there any possible way to set dynamic card view background colour to gradient colour

With hex colour code

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Use gradients colour Extension.


Used but got some errors so changed it

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So their is an quite complicated way but not have any direct way to do that anyway it will work for me thank you @themaayur


is possible use rgb color with schema?

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Only App Inventor’s own Color Integer at the moment.

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Great extension. Scheme wizard generates colors in hex. Unfortunately, after switching to integers, the application still does not have the correct colors. In my opinion, everything is transparent and has a background color. I work at appinventor.

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Kodular integer color is different from app inventor’s. There is no problem for me. You can use color unities for hex code and make color for rgb(a)

If you wrote this to me, I mean this:

  • “BackgroundColor”: & HFFFFFFFF - it causes an error in the application,
  • “BackgroundColor”: 16777215 - it doesn’t work, doesn’t change color,

I don’t know what color format to use in appinventor in the template to make it work.

I found a solution:

N = B + (G + (R + (256 x opacity)) x 256) x 256
N = 0 + (255 + (255 + (256 x 255)) x 256) x 256 = 4294967040

I don’t know why appinventor makes such a hassle with colors if everything changes to hex when converting from blocks to java code.

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