Facebook interstitial ad show

i have 10 buttons in my app and every button open new page with contents(because its learning app). Now i want to show facebook int. Ads on my app. Which is best way to show ads with out irritating users.please suggest me.

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Just use it when users press button more than 3 or 4 times…
Either they press same or any button out of those 10…

It looks that you value for your users …

When the user exit from page show interstitial ad. After activity is done you should show the ad


I have 10 pages/screns . If i show ad after exiting from page the app will have alot of ads around 10 int ads.

Is this good practice? Facebook wont penalize me for doing this?

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na facebook will never… Because this is the most genuine method of placing ads & 2nd thing its never irritate users also… @psilwal121

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I would also add a clock to check if the last ad was shown more than, let’s say 2 minutes ago (or any time you want) then play another ad when exiting the screen, if not don’t play it.


would you plz post blocks here to use clock. I dont understand how to do this

Can you please show me how to use clock component if ad was shown 2minutes ago dont show ad like this.