Facing problem to get data from airtable spreadsheet

I am unable to get data from airtable please help me

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Use math blocks instead of logic blocks to compare.
Follow this example block:-[


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I try this also and lots of other codes but data is not showings is any problem with my kodular

When got column increase global switch by 1.

When got column
Set global switch to get global switch + 1

And then compare switches and get value.

If blocks is correct then check with Airtable API key, Base ID, Table Name.

I checked it 10 times and i found all things are correct.

Since in the first image airtable is not shown clearly do you by any change have an empty column ? Cause if show you won’t receive any data

In your image section in airtable data , your images is not end with any extension like .png , .jpg that’s why your data is not showing. Fill your image data with the direct link of image with image extension. And then try .

Try to fill this link in all data of images row


Copyright free image

I tried with your link but nothing happen. can i provide aia file.

see is any problem with airtable.

instead arrange the variable “switch” first before calling a another column… in math blocks or the logic are both working

after seeing your blocks, please arrange the variable “switch” first before calling column, see how it will response.

I tried it but nothing happen

Try this aia AirtableDemo.aia (3.3 KB) it is working. Just change API Key and Base ID

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Same here in my app i can receive single data but i am not able to retrieve column list or row list i have tried everything but not getting solution

Welcome to Kodular Community.

Try this way.

can you show blocks what tried? else no one can help you.

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