Find item's position in Tag

How do I find out where a particular product is in a list containing 10 products?

see again my first answer


I saw and reviewed more sorry did not understand, how should I change the blocks? Could the friend help me?

The blocks are there only help me to assemble what is missing.

use the index in list block, in the thing socket you add your product name, in the list socket your list, see also the documentation AI2 Lists

if the value you get is 0, then the product is not in the list, else you get the index back
you might want to try something and if you get stuck, post a screenshot of your relevant blocks…


Thank you very much, I will try to do as you explained, and if I can’t, then I’ll post here the main blocks of this operation.

What I want is to find the product position, which in this example would be the barcode \ "7898917294505 " in the list below.

“[[” 003 \ ", " 7898917294505 \ ", " Uni Maca Peruvian Powder \ ", " \ ", " 150 g \ ", " \ ", " \ ", " Energy & Vigor \ ", " Unilife \ ", " 35.00 \ ", " 20 \ ", " 1 \ ", " https: \ / \ / \ / v0 \ / b \ / \ / o \ / 7898917294505? alt = media & token = 164e32d1-17f8-4cbe-a006-45da70bf5558 \ “], [” 537 \ ", " 7898483537716 \ ", \ "Uni Luteina ", \ “”, \ "60 Caps ", \ “”, \ “”, \ "Natural ", \ "Unilife ", \ "49.90 ", \ "\ ", " 2 \ ", " https: \ / \ / \ / v0 \ / b \ / \ / o \ / 7898483537716? alt = media & token = 802d3f5c-e80c-4c43-8ca9-b9e6496a4b84 \ “]]”

Note that in this list there are 2 products, with the first product, "003 ", \ "7898917294505 " being in position 1 of the list, and the second, [\ "537 ", \ "7898483537716 " position 2 of the list.
So I need to know in which position is the product I will be modifying, whether in position 1 or position 2. I need this exact location for the replacement to be correct in the block below.

I want to point out here that the modification is being made to another List, and I am just making the Offer List change if the Offers text box is different from Empty.

Note that I put (1) in the Index position. If you had placed (2) then it would be the second product on the list that would be modified. Beside is the block that I understood to be what you wanted to explain.
I need then, not there (1) but something that would search the Offer List, find the Barcode that is unique for each product, and with that find the position of this product in the list, take that position and put it right there. where I put number 1.

Doing it manually, putting (1) works all right. But it cannot be manual, as it will not always be (1) it can be for example the position 10 of the Offers list, if this list contains 10 items.

are you saying, the barcode is no unique key?

you will have to write a custom procedure then


and how would this procedure be personalized? would you please describe the blocks here?


sorry, that i not just a simple answer, you have to translate what you described previously in blocks

see also AI2 Procedures and Procedures


Do the following then. Forget the blocks above. And let’s do something simpler.
You have a list of 3 products, and these products are as follows:
Tag = Offers
List Product 1 = 1, 78939845678, Product A
Listing 2 Product = 2, 789398456745, Product B
List 3 Product = 3, 78939845655, Product C
This means Product Code, your barcode and your name.
Would you be able to assemble for me the blocks that show me the position of Product 3 in the Offer Tag List?

I edited above review

you might want to prepare a simple example project as simple as possible, so someone can help you


I will do this then and can post here the aia?

The Offer list is this:

Offer: “[[” 123456 \ “,” 7898917294505 \ “,” Uni Maca Peruvian Powder \ “,” \ “,” 150 g \ “,” \ “,” \ “,” Energy and Stamina “,” Unilife " , "35.00 ", "20 ", "1 ", "https: \ / \ / \ / v0 \ / b \ \ / o \ / 7898917294505? alt = media & token = 164e32d1-17f8-4cbe-a006-45da70bf5558 \ “], [” 537 \ “,” 7898483537716 \ ", " Uni Luteina ", " ", " 60 Caps ", " ", \ “”, \ "Natural ", \ "Unilife ", \ “49.90”, \ “”, "2 ", "https: \ / \ / firebasestorage.googleapis. com \ v0 \ / b \ \ o / 7898483537716? alt = media & token = 802d3f5c-e80c-4c43-8ca9-b9e6496a4b84 \ “]]”.

How do I find out where 123456 is? I know that it is in position 1 and product 537 is in position 2, but how do I find this position through a search?

In the example below I need Box1 to be 1 if text = 123456 and Box = 2 if text = 537


as already said

If your problem is not solved yet then u can try this