Firebase Authentication in Play Store Error after Kodular Fenix Update

I checked out Kodular Fenix (v1.5.0) Bug Tracker before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

I’ve been using the firebase authentication feature for almost 9 months in kodular and no problem at all and my app is live on play store

Until the upgrade to Kodular Fenix ​​some time ago

Steps to reproduce the issue

Upload the apk or aab to the Play Store and you will not be able to login using firebase authentication

Expected Behaviour

The Firebase Authentication feature works fine when produced without being uploaded to the playstore, but after the application is uploaded to the playstore, I can’t log in at all, be it using email or using a mobile number

Actual Behaviour

When you click the firebase login button using a google account or cellphone number, it will directly trigger a message from Firebase Authentication Login Failed

Your app must from the play store
Google-json.service is still in my apk, Its ok

Show your Blocks

Android version

I’ve tried on android version 7, 9 and, 10
from samsung and xiaomi

and all of my users complain that they can’t log in to my application anymore

Its your mistake, add you App SHA in firebase console


Click here and add your SHA Fingerprint and then Its gonna work, I personally tried it :upside_down_face:

It’s already work in PlayStore in almost 9 months, SHA fingerprint is still there and i dont mess with this. I put SHA from kodular and from PlayStore.

The diferent between my app from kodular fenix and my app from 2 weeks ago is just delete 1 single button. 2 weeks ago it perfectly work

please upload your apk from kodular fenix in play store and give a try, if you dont believe me

Firstly, I too published an app with fenix update but, I faced no such errors

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please delete the post, as it is containing users informations… It is highly more sensitive. Pls do this, after your app was published in play store…

  1. Go to your Google Play console > App Signing certificate > copy it
  2. Go to your firebase account > project settings > project info > add fingerprint > paste the signing certificate from google play console.
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ok thanks your feedback
i delete the post

as i mention earlier, my app already in playstore and authentication work well almost 9 months.

I copied certificate SHA from play strore and from kodular

right now i try again what you

  1. Delete all fingerprint/certificare from firebase project setting
  2. Copy SHA 1 certificate from google play console
  3. Copy SHA 256 certificate too from google play console (I never do this from earlier of my publish app)
  4. Download google-service.json from firebase setting
  5. Upload google-service.json into kodular
  6. Download apk from kodular, if I try to sign in using firebase authentication is all work perfectly until this step
  7. Upload apk into Google Play Console (now my app stil under review, usually around 2-3 day)

You can check it too from

if you are download version 2.41, I guaranteed you can not sign in/ sign up using firebase authentication

I will give information about future update from my apk in playstore

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Sorry to ask you again… Did you update your app anything after the fenix update?

Dont worry. firebase authentication will resume its normal work after published…

My app is approve in just 1 hour from google, this is very rare. And the step I give in the previos post still not solve the problem. I check my email and notification in firebase looks like nothing wrong, all bill was paid

I try but unfortunately do not solve my problem:

  1. Step that post before this
  2. Reupload apk from previos version build by kodular eagle and change the version using apk editor

When I press sign in button==> it will imidietly show block from “When Authentication Login Failed”. not from “When Authentication Sign Up Failed” so I dont know what message, wheter using new email or email that has been used

So right now I am confused and do not know what to do. Should I contact Firebase customer support?

I just delete one button, and this button is nothing to do with authentication. This button just to trigger chat to my whatsapp

I tried reupload my previuos app from kodular eagle, change version using apk editor, and it still not work on Play Store. Looks like this is my own problem and nothing to do wtih kodular Fenix

There you are. after publishing your app in playstore especially while using firebase authedication, even a small change (if it is no where related to authentication) you need to do the same procedure what you did now.

I just upload simple app made from android studio, this app can use firebase authentication perfectly, I don’t know where is the problem, maybe if one of who read this has similiar problem can say to me too

I too have the same problem. When testing authentication worked fine. After I have updated aab file in play console it is not working. Update is now live. Can anyone help me to solve this issue?

Sorry! It was my mistake. I have uploaded wrong keystore in firebase console.

El punto 5 no se como subirlo o en que parte en kodula se sube ya que la nueva versión no se encuentra el link para subirlo

Point 5 I do not know how to upload it or where it is uploaded in kodula since the new version cannot find the link to upload it

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