Why you need these things in extension? You can do this with inbuilt blocks and list sorting extension with many customization. You should search the community. There are lot of guides about searching and filtering data you will definitely get something related to your query.
It works for me in companion and APK both. Which android version are you using? Works in Android 11 for me.
It remains because you haven’t updated that item. If you want to remove or move the item then you can. But if you don’t want then you’ll need to update the item so the item can get back to its position. You can call UpdateTitle Or UpdateImage block to reset the item to its position.
Can you post relevant blocks here? Or screen shot of your output?
Use thisCustomList.aia (137.2 KB)
In your AIA, you have created the list view in a Vertical Scroll Arrangement. That’s why it was having scroll issue. You can use HA or VA for list view instead of a scroll view. I hope your issue would be solved now. @lgsilveira , can you check now if you have the same issue?
@plumedours Call the UpdateTitle or any other update block when the item is swiped.
When i create a list with this extension, there is not show dividar in between the list.
I have selected divider height 5 and color select #F44336FF also mark ShowDivider in disign section.
I did not understand this part clearly. May you please explain me little ? Is CustomListView.SetDivider block not working or divider is not appearing without using this block?
leftMargin and rightMargin are deprecated. They do not work at all.
I do not understand, I can not use a text entry to validate the update of a title?
When I swipe left, I display a dialog box with a text box and a button. When I validate with the button, I want to update the title of the element that I have swipe to the left. It is not possible ?
Edit : I think there is a problem. I did a test with just a swipe to the left, updating the title to “TEST”, and I have the same problem:
No lucky Sumit, my list was in Vertical Scroll Arrangement, but i change to only VA (and even HA) and now is only showing 11 itens in a list of 14… here my blocks: