[Free/OS] Instamojo Payment Setup in App [PHP Script + App]

Hi All,

So today am here with my first guide :grin:

So today ill be teaching you how to take payments from instamojo from your app.
In this tutorial we will be using a php script to integrate the gateway and then we will send a get request to the same script from app using web viewer and then we will be using the default OCR component of kodular in compliance with the layout to image extension by @Jerin_Jacob

Setting up the web end {PHP}

There are 3 different paths from here, path 1 is where you set up the script on your own and learn a bit of php too

Path 2 is where you download the script made by me and just upload it to your hosting and add your API Key and Auth Token given by Instamojo to it and start using it

Path 3 : If you dont have a hosting, then you can skip this part as i have created a multivendor script for those who wish to use my hosting, this is free of cost but it will have a branding of XyberNeo on the call back address, that is on redirect.php

Willing to remove this branding, well its possible, you see creating these guides and things free of cost take up good amount of time, you can buy me a coffee and keep me motivated, also this donation will we used to keep the servers live for all free extensions/services/webhooks and other stuffs that i do offer time to time.

If you wish to remove the branding then that will cost you 100 INR or 2.5 USD per annum with unlimited payments and bandwidth.

If you wish to learn to develop the script we will be using then head over to this video where i have explained it from scratch :

To show your love subscribe to the channel since we will be creating many amazing apps and we will be making more such payment gateways. Coming up next : Paytm Payments Gateway, Stripe Payment Gateway and in the near future we will together make Razor Pay Payment Gateway

Also, change the url in index.php from test.instamojo.com to www.instamojo.com when you start using a live api key to accept real payments

If you wish to download the script directly and start using it then download it from here : https://www.xyberneo.com/projects/gateway.zip

As per @Alapjeet (beta tester) this script is working fine even with free hostings, he has tested it on 000webhost and am thankful to him for the beta testing. It could have not be possible without his support. Many Thanks !

AIA/ App Part

So i have create an app to take payments using this php script, i have used Web Viewer, OCR and @Jerin_Jacob 's Extension for creating this app

NOTE : In ocr for some reason it reads Payment Successful as Payment Succeesslul :joy: , So i have adjusted to if then condition accordingly, dont think that its a mistake :slight_smile:

AIA File : Instamojo_XyberNeo.aia (44.9 KB)

Don’t forget to change the baseURL with your script url

Ending Note

So this completes today’s tutorial of taking payments via Instamojo in app
I hope this was not boring, pardon me if i made some mistakes.

MultiVendor Script URL

For Those who wish to use it from my hosting the url is as follows :



This section is for those who donate/support us by purchasing the premium version of this script to use it on our hosting

  • Aarav Sharma
  • Somik Kalkal


Thanks a lot for your time, if you have any suggestions, requests, want to report any error then do comment below and don’t forget to subscribe to our youtube channel :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Aditya Chaturvedi


Much Appreciate your efforts for the guide :+1:

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instamojo just did not have a valid turkey in india support

thanks anyway :100: :100: :100:

thank you


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Thanks a lot :smiley:

Yes, thats true. Thanks for the kind words

Try to bring more guides with other payment gateways


Its in my list @AI_Developer ill publish other guides too very soon, keep supporting !


Nice guide @aditya_chaturvedi

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It’s cool .

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URL Isn’t Working

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It’s working now, i deleted the file by mistake, please try now and i regret the inconvenience.

Thanks a lot for reporting


Also create for razerpay

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Amazing guide…

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Not working again

Hi, yes, this is intentional.

You can check out the youtube video and learn to make it fron there

Its easy nd fun !

Or you can use the public use url i have given !!

I did it cause i am going to release an extension soon which will be somewhat related to this