Phone Number Tools

Phone Tools Extension
Permissions required : READ_CONTACTS (Should be asked automatically)
Min. api : 5
Release date : 2020-09-20T23:00:00Z
Last update date : 2020-11-24T00:00:00Z
Current version code : 1
Current version name : 1.1


Hello every one.Today i introduce my latest extension.Phone NumberTools :grin: !This extension allows you to do some calculations with phone numbers, get contact names,images,and phone numbers list in order.Without mismatching!

Blocks picture


Block Description
Dragged This event is fired when the extension gets the contacts image list async.

Params Type Description
list List The list of contacts images.

RegisterAsDraggable This event is fired when the extension gets the contacts name list async.

Params Type Description
list List The list of contact names

Unregister This event is fired when the extension gets the contacts phone list async.

Params Type Description
list List The list of contacts phone numbers.

Unregister This event is fired when the extension gets the contact id.

Params Type Description
contactId String the id of the contact given.

Unregister This event is fired when the extension gets the contact image.

Params Type Description
contactImage String the image uri of the contact given.

Unregister This event is fired when the extension gets the contact image.

Params Type Description
contactName String the name of the contact given.

Unregister This event is fired when the extension gets the contact image.

Params Type Description
contactUri String the contact uri of the contact given.

SetElevationShadow Compare phone numbers a and b, return true if they're identical enough for caller ID purposes.

Params Type Description
Num1 String the number which will be compared with num2
Num2 String the number which will be compared with num1

SetElevationShadow Format a phone number.

Params Type Description
num String the number which will be compared with num2
defaultCountryIso String the country iso which will be used if there was no country iso

SetElevationShadow Returns the contact image from phone number.This phone number must be defined in the user contacts.The result will be a content uri.

Params Type Description
number String The number that the extension will get its image

SetElevationShadow Returns the contact name from phone number.This phone number must be defined in the user contacts.T

Params Type Description
number String The number that the extension will get its image

SetElevationShadow Returns the contact uri from phone number.This phone number must be defined in the user contacts.T

Params Type Description
number String The number that the extension will get its image

SetElevationShadow Gets the Contacts images asynchronously.

SetElevationShadow Gets the Contacts names asynchronously.

SetElevationShadow Gets the Contacts names list asynchronously..

SetElevationShadow Gets the Contacts names list asynchronously.

SetElevationShadow Gets the Contacts phones list asynchronously.

SetElevationShadow Returns true if the phone number is a global number.

Params Type Description
number String The number that the extension will use to determine if its a global number.

SetElevationShadow Returns true if the phone number is a valid phone number.

Params Type Description
number String The number that the extension will validate.

SetElevationShadow checks a given number against the voicemail number provided by the RIL and SIM card.

Params Type Description
num String The number that the extension will check if it is a voice mail.

SetElevationShadow Return true if the network portion of address is, as far as we can tell on the device, suitable for use as an SMS destination address.

Params Type Description
num String The adderess that the extension will validate.Ex:[email protected].

SetElevationShadow Normalize a phone number by removing the characters other than digits.

Params Type Description
num String The number the extension will normalize.

SetElevationShadow Returns the contact id from phone number.This phone number must be defined in the user contacts.

Params Type Description
num String The number the extension will get its contact id.


AIX (V1) : Click to download
AIX (V 1.1) : Click to download
AIX (V 2) : Click to download
AIA: PhoneNumberTools (1).aia (43.3 KB)
AIS: PhoneNumberTools_Blocks.ais (2.6 KB)
APK: PhoneNumberTools (1).apk (5.4 MB)


Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:
If you liked this extension please hit the like button :heart: And if you’ve an improvements or bugs please tell me :grinning:

Mohamed Tamer


Nice Extension.
Very helpful.
Keep it up :clap:


Great work again! :+1::100:

It seems that you like my table format documentation


Thanks very much @sonumohammad333 @WatermelonIce

Yes i like it.I’ve edited it for this extension :sweat_smile: Again thanks for it :heart:


Very helpful man :ok_hand::heart:


very nice work @Mohamed_Tamer

but have some suggestion if you could implement those
their are multiple duplicate contacts with spaces if you remove all spaces and check and remove duplicate entries then it will be more helpful

any way you have done a grate work


Thanks very much :heart:

You mean something like that:
component_method (70)
Its in the list utilities extension :wink:


i thought it was in your extension bit will try it too

and it will remove duplicate entries but not spaces for that we have to set some blocks

Is it possible implement this both feature in your extension?

and just found some thing more some contacts stats with 0 and contains - and some only contains - in number


Yes , i will try :wink:


Nice Extension :cowboy_hat_face:

Waiting for your next Extension :grin:


Thanks :sweat_smile:

That what i’m working on now :shushing_face:


looking forward to have a image cropper extension from @Mohamed_Tamer as of now their is no clear and non lengthy solution like deephost but that was not working now.


Great extension @Mohamed_Tamer :+1:t2:


Hi if I am using Valid no. block -
Do I need the ISD with number ?


Both will work.With or without the ISD number :wink:

Thanks for the quick response and btw Gr8 extension.


Isn’t this similar to the phone call component?
BTW great work


Can i know how?

Thanks :heart:

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In the phone call component there is a block for phone number and this is also having it


This one?
component_set_get (3)
This won’t return the contacts number list :thinking:

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