[FREE] Progresso: Progress Bar Extension - Create awesome linear and circular progress bars

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Very Beautiful and useful Extension, you do always good and unique work @The_K_Studio

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Loved your work one of the best extension @The_K_Studio

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Great Works with dynamic components

Are you asking or telling?

I’m interesting to know if this extension works with dynamic components.

Why don’t you just try and let us know as well :wink:

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Thank you very much, very kind.

I tested, it works in dynamically created arrangement like vertical or horizontal arrangement. If you are using a loop to create multiple arrangements then only one progress bar will be created this is because every arrangement requires a unique instance of progress bar create method.

May be I will try adding id feature if this is necessary.

Wow it’s great job

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Thanks, it would be a breakthrough if it could be used dynamically with the use of IDs.

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