#Free Word to Number and vice versa any language translator

#Free Word to Number and vice versa any language translator.
This extension converts the number into word and translates it into any language.
Or convert the number (in letters) from any language into digits.
Word to number uses “google translate free version” so it is subject to the program’s rule.

com.appybuilder.chiccovision.WordtoNumber.aix (12,9 KB)

Built with : https://editor.appybuilder.com/

Regards Marco.


Great extension :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

can you make like the system will switch the language form engish to any other. it will good. But Nice extension.


Already do it.
Change source language from “auto” in any language acronym.
in my sample language is Estonian.

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Nice Extension

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amazing!! @marco_tanzi

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It stopped working after a few tries. Is this still working?

Yes It worlks there Is only g translate limitation if you exced its stops for One hour

I have the solution for no limitation.when i’llhave a bit of time,i solve the iussue