if you set the everything in screen settings like this
and then use a VA and set it fill parent on hight(also the same bug if you set hight so 100%) and width and color to something
(even if you set the background color of the screen to something the white bar is still white)
you will still see a whit bar on the bottom exactly the hight of a navigation bar( but navigation bar is set off)
you cant see it in forum but above this text just maximize the screenshot
didnt got this bug before the update
im using a oneplus 5t with a bigger screen then 16:9 maybe something with that?(but before updated it worked fine on there)
Same problem here, it is NOT a bug of vertical (scroll) arrangement. The same happens with ‘Screen1’ (scrollable option enabled). Bottom part of screen is not accessible, just blank space. Navigation bar disabled.
Attached aia files.
Please move this topic to “bugs” section. no_layout.aia (1,3 KB) layout_bug.aia (1,4 KB)