Group Messenger

Hi @UnknownBeast, the videocall system was made with as @GM_Shack said, here is the tutorial/project that i’ve used in group messenger!

Agora Project : Project


hello tomas how are you i hope you are fine we haven’t been meeting for a long time you would publish a guide about agora i think you forgot about not working outside of Screen 1
When agora was on a screen other than screen 1, it was giving an error. Can you explain how to solve this problem with a guide?

thank you


my bargain is good 150 INR let’s get a deal.

150 INR I think it won’t be a problem for you, this will be the last

thank you


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I sent you an e-mail

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Can we work I am having ideas for files, reply messages, sliding to reply,live location message, bots, polls, multiple delete , forward messages, stickers, delete option with totally customizable and this all truly work .
I said this because you have created a topic and this idea also so I won’t have to create another ill help you for creating this

Proof video

Part 1


Hope you’ll like

Pm for test apk

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hello please send test video water

Hello. Do you share this AIA? I am doing such an application. Can you help me?

thank you


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Means ???

this post is not mine I have just ask to help @DarkTom_Dj so that we can create better

its under progress I can give you after I completed atleast reply messaging and forward

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How did you go about opening a download folder? Did you use an extension or initiate activities?
Could you show?

Are you asking me ?

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Yes, I’ve been looking for this method for a long time.

yes but dynamic is not completed yet

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I understand, but I just need the logic. I want to open it inside the download folder …

what you want to open ? chat ?

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I created a download app, and I wanted to implement the “My Downloads” button so that when it was clicked it would open the default program on the phone or show a pop-up which app would be best to open …

When button clicked, the directory opens ("/ storage / emulated / 0 / Download / Test")

I know blocks are missing, but I tried to make the example as direct as possible!