Help for ' display= "none"; ' with JS Evaluate WebView

Hello everyone,

I’m turning my website into a webview application. However, when I want to hide the header part, I cannot achieve my goal. I have done a lot of research and my own experiments on Community, but I could not find a solution to the error I encountered. Let me tell you what I want to do.

First, I open my website and view it with webview. Then I find the ID of the header I want to hide and try to close its view with the evaluate block.

document.getElementById(‘header-wrap’).style.display = “none”;

the code i used. However, I cannot show the rearranged version of my website in webview. Header part keeps coming up. What should I do or where did I go wrong? Thank you.

No need this marked block and
Only js Evaluate after page load

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You are right.
@mr_Vancetti Evaluate JS only when page is loaded completely.

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Hello again @Ambili_Vinod and @vknow360, thank you for your help, but it still appears after I did what you said. I got the ‘id’ part from the screenshot I posted. Do you have a suggestion or a chance to send a sample aia?

Is there any solution or there isn’t? Thanks for helps. I want to make because this so important for me.

Works for me.

Notice double quoted id.

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Thank you so much @vknow360. It’s working :blush: It worked when I changed the ID and single quote.

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