Help regarding permissions issue

Since I haven’t used Kodular for a long time, I don’t know how to solve this permission problem. Can anyone help me?

Your blocks are correct, use them in the Screen.Initialize event
Which component do you try to use?
And which device and Android version are you using for your tests?


I have the same problem, yet when I test it on the Kodular emulator, it records and saves it, but when I export the .apk and test it, it doesn’t even record it, when I try to access the permission settings within Android to set it manually, the system doesn’t even display it as storage permission option, so that even if it works in the simulator, it won’t work during installation! I’m going to present this now to see if they respond, but in a year they still haven’t responded to me about this permission.

Estou com o mesmo problema, ainda assim quando testo no emulador do Kodular, ele grava e salva mas ao exportar o .apk e testo ele nem grava, ao tentar acessar as configurações de permissão dentro do android para definir manualmente, o sistema sequer exibe como opção a permissão de armazenamento, de modo que mesmo que funcione no simulador, na instalação não funcionará! Vou apresentar isso agora pra ver se respondem mas em um ano não me responderam ainda sobre essa permissão

Which component do you try to use?
And which device and Android version are you using for your tests?

It would really help if you provided a screenshot your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select “Download Blocks as Image”. You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


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Do you mean I have to use it in screen1?

Not necessarily
At the moment your blocks are free floating in the working area without being used


I solved my problem in part, and soon I will post but I already came here to pass on the tip.
The permission works, however, to conclude that it does not save in any directory as we imagine, but exclusively in the Kodular directory (during the app simulations) and finally in your app’s directory during use after installing.
Error 802 occurred because I called the ‘start recording’, without first ending the recording already in progress
Error 908 occurred because the write (or copy/move) permission is only valid for the application folder and not for other folders even if from Music, Recordings or Downloads
When you install the apk, even without play protect, it will ask you if you want to verify the app, do so.

After that, he recorded and saved
Now I need to adjust because it’s rewriting over the same file and in the simulation it wasn’t like that.

Resolvi meu problema em parte, e logo vou postar mas já vim aqui passar a dica.
A permissão funciona, entretanto concluir que não salva em qualquer diretório como imaginamos, mas exclusivamente no diretório da Kodular (durante as simulações do app) e finalmente no diretório do seu app durante o uso após instalar.
O erro 802 ocorria porque eu chamava o “iniciar gravação”, sem antes, finalizar a gravação já em andamento
0 erro 908 ocorria porque a permissão de escrita (ou copiar/mover) só vale para a pasta do aplicativo e não para outras pastas mesmo que de Músicas, Gravações ou Downloads
Ao instalar o apk, mesmo sem o play protect, ele vai perguntar se você deseja verificar o aplicativo, faça isso.

depois disso ai gravou e salvou
agora preciso ajustar porque ta regravando sobre o mesmo arquivo e na simulação não tava assim.

It was here that I solved the issue of writing permission, (today), check it out to see if it helps you, good luck

foi aqui que resolvi a questão da permissão de escrita, (hoje mesmo), confere lá pra ver se te ajuda, boa sorte