Help to add ads to my app

Hello to everyone :grin:
I have make my own app with kodular
The app is tv channel that contains lots of channels all beIN channel and Netflix and Shahid :muscle: but :pensive:if my app is published on app store it we’ll remove in the same moment it show now I want add ads in it what kind of ads is make reall money and not need to publish on app. Store
That is short cut for the app

This is my own channel
Now I want add ads what kind off ads that don’t need to publish on play store
And thanks

What do you mean?
Is you want to add ads in your application or you publish it on play store with ads?

If I publish it on play store it we’ll removed
I want to add ads without publish my app on play store

You cannot place ads on content you do not own. Your app won’t be approved for monetisation.


Start app do but it give few money for 1000 show

Your will reject by Google because you don’t have any agreement with TV channel which you show in above image. Simple answer is no. You can’t publish your app in play store

I know I don’t want to publish it I want the ads in my app

Hahaha if you can’t publish why you want to ads. Self click is not allow by any ads network and second thing kodular will also reject this app

Not possible.
It doesn’t matter you want to publish app or not.
You can’t monetize others content.

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Yes you are right :100:%

Thanks for that