How can i know my google map permission allowed or not

ok So First Thing Make Sure You Gave the Corect Permission Name.
I Recommend use Firebase for This Purpose
next follow this

When Screen1. Permission Granted :
         Firebase_Database. Store Value
                    Tag: Get Device ID or (Something else eg. Username)
                    Value: Granted

Try It

ah! man i give correct permission i want to notify when user allow location permission asked by google component, After allowed permission granted event doesn’t fire

Oh Wait.


me. I want to get notify then I will set algorithm

ok got it give me a couple of minutes

you can use this

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not Required. You Can do with Default Blocks

I know i can do this, but if i do that then google map doesn’t load,


I check everything, If i didn’t asked location permission in before screen by google map then google doesn’t load in my project :cold_sweat:

Alright Yes we can do

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let me check thank you

did you turn on gps on your phone

Yes obiously

This can help you !

man problem is in permission granted event doesn’t fired

Do you test as apk or with companion ?

Apk, now i solved with list permission extension , Thanks a lot @Shreyaa


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