How to change dynamic button position?

i want to bring only the dynamic button to the right side…how can i do it can anyone please tell me!

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what you have done till now?please share blocks

how can i bring only the button on the right side?

You’d have to create a dynamic arrangement, set width to Fill Parent, alignment to Right, and create the button in that arrangement.

then every thing go on the right but i just want the button to be on the right

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is the width of card fixed?

yes the width is fixed

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Use Animation until it will help you or you can use dynamic arrangement extension by which create a vertical or horizontal arrangement in card at in that horizontal arrangement create button and set that arrangement’s horizontal alignment to right

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Just create a new horizontal arrangement in card view under your text and then place button in that with a your customized position by setting up a space in it or by changing allignmnt

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No. You probably misunderstood what I said.

@Zia_Choudhary Just repeated my solution. :expressionless:

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i repeated because he was confused where to put arrangement
your suggestion

his confusion

then i clear him the position of arrangemnt

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