How to create this type transaction History in our app with firebase

No even if the transaction failed also need to create … then only you will get the status

Ok show me blocks images I’m waiting

tried somewhat…


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Ok I’m trying

The only problem is tag list won’t be in ascending order. So please use listUtil exventension to sort in a order then only list view will give/ show orders orderly

I tried this code,

And got this response in the app like this,

I tried with changing color as green but it does not look good. If the status is Failed, it will display with red and if the status is green it will display with black

It is possible with collintree list view

I’m facing this issue

Please check this prblm

Show your block , what you have tried

I’m copying ur block same to same
Project bucket= Device I’d/payments/

You do not have any project bucket in your firebase as mentioned in the blocks, then how it will work

Project bucket=device utilities.device I’d /payments

Yes. Set this as project bucket and try

I have tried but same issue show me

wait… let me show u

Ok I’ll wait

show proper screenshot of your firebase

Check this