How to import airtable data into ColinTree ListView

Hi guys!

I am working on an app that gets the data from Airtable and shows it on the screen.
There are three data:

  • the icon image, which is the same in all elements (it’s not in the airtable);
  • the name of the street as the column’s title “rua”;
  • the reason why it’s not good to walk on it as the column’s title “motivo”.


In my app, the users will not be able to add those elements. Only the one who has the Airtable’s access.

I have already import the ColinTree extension and spreadsheets as well. However, as I am a noob with Kodular and Airtable, I would like to get some help.

Do you have some block codes that do what I would like to do?

Sorry for my bad english and for any possible error in creating this topic.
Thank you for paid attention.

This video will surely help you


Thanks for the recommendation!

In the video, the guy uses an element called “Clock”, I can’t find it! Where does it stay? Is it an extension?



I had some difficults with the video, could you try to show me how to do that in my case? I only want to show what is in the airtable, not to add anything. I got confused about the video reffered to “MainScreen” “Splashscreen” and knowing how the component Clock is useful in my case…

I didn’t understand why he uses the screen 1… I will use the listview only in the screen 3 of my app, can I put all that he put in the screen 1 in my screen 3? How am I supposed to do that?

now you understand here is 3 variable 1st image, 2nd title, 3rd sub title



Try to store the airtable values in a tinydb database and then fetch it from there… So when user opens app 2nd time and if there is data in the tinydb then it will load faster

Look, the image will be the same all the time to all the titles and subtitles. So I won’t use the Airtable to set the image, since it’s already set. Is there a way to change the code putting just the title and subtitle connected to the Airtable, and putting an image defined - that will be the same to all cases - in the code?

What is CircularProgress? And what does it do?

then in airtable just use same image in all column . and circular porgress bar is optional .

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