Hybro Store - Preview

What is the name of your app?

Hybro Store

Describe your app:

A Store that allows you to upload your APK just like the play store, but without registration fee for uploading apps or any works, then you can install your app there.


Not yet captured

Download link(Preview Only):

HybroStore.apk (4.3 MB)

Version: 0.1.0 Preview (Build 002)

Currently, The App is not yet connected to the database, it is just a preview version, hope you like it!:grin:

© Hybro Team 2018 | All right reserved (Certificate)

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Is this the new hype in the builders world making an app store?


Why has everyone started making app stores after Makeroid Store?

Really, who should use which app store? 1 was enough.


Actually , it is not only an App Store , it should be a store that share any works

Kinda like the Makeroid and Amplify store?


Nope, it’s different

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