I am trying something and you need to known YouTube player like ads in kodulor

Hi I am shyamal and tried to make youtube similar ad showing system in kodulor you can chech it from Demo APK and Video
Also Rate my work :sweat_smile:

Demo APK :point_down:

CripCraze (4).apk (5.6 MB)

Demo Video :point_down:

Please give rating

Somebody please :pleading_face: rate

Nice work :slight_smile:

Nice one :+1::+1:

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I make for my new project where user watch videos Soni think It is not good to show full screen ad so I make it from
. Firebase database
. Plyr exetion
. Floating view exetion
Logic that I used
I make ad data in database and pick randomly ad using random number picker I set each ad Iā€™d so it show randomly ad and after ad the video start which user wants to see :slightly_smiling_face: I tried my best so I think I shared this with our community