I can 't load the project after upload to 1.0.3

i am saying that most of the peoples are affected with this error not everyone

Maybe a cache problem. Clear the cache and try again.
Too make sure your internet connection is stable.

I use opera and have no problems.

Maybe it works for me because i am a supporter of Makeroid. :sunglasses: :grin:


I use opera also by the way.

look at this mine is opera too and the project is loading since 30 mins

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What about to clear the cache and load again?

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ok wait i am clearing then i will show u result.

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I try to clear the cache,but it still can’t load it.
I use Chrome

yes i cleared cached and also reset my opera but same problem occur. before new update makeroid was good but the new update disappointed me.

Also I tried to delete cockie, history and cache …
Always very slow both with Chrome and with Firefox …
In the end the project loads (it’s only very slow)

my only latest created project opening and rest projects are dead

and i imported my project in appybuilder and thunkable and it is working fine but i like makeroid than thunk and appy because makeroid provides beautiful designs.
now it’s up to you @Mika to fix it ! thanks

Why should it be my job to fix this? :smiley: :smiley:
I have not developed it and do not know anything about it :smiley:


Mika gave only a few suggestions.
It is not he who has to investigate this case …

so who is makeroid developer is it @Diego ?

It takes 4 minutes to load my project today

mine took 30 mins

How is your internet connection?
Slow or fast?

look at this @Mika

I have by far the best connection