I cant import aia file , how can i fix this

Make sure the file you are importing is .aia file and it does not contain any special character other than _ Underscores

Follow what @Kshitij Said


Make sure that your are Importing .aia and not .apk

Try Importing in Unchive (kodular.io) to check error

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This is how is it look like , it on aia but cant import it

Did You download the project from this

oso_browser.aia (1.1 MB)

I uploaded the project in :kodular:odular Successfully but has error because it was made in thunkable


I did what he actuly said but it didnt work

Yes i did , … you mean i cant open this with kodular , + i need sites which i can download aia files to use it on kodular

Why + sites just mention Kodular and the app you need and aia

Like this
Kodular aia App name

while searching in google

Search here in community.kodular.io itself

All builder have same problem


You can’t upload


But from mit you can upload to any builder
But you can’t upload to mit


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