Hi I have a problem,
I updated my app in Koular, but when I load it on Google Play Consle it tells me that the signing key is different from the original app.
How can I recover the old key to insert into Kodular and then create a new apk to upload to Google Play?
Your Key Available on PlayStore Check
I can’t find the key, can I export the key from playstore?
can someone help me?
??? Help me
If you have lost your key then it’s gone forever, no one can recover your key if you didn’t back it up.
so how do I update the app on the play store? is there no solution?
generate new api key on consule you can do that and update new with new api key but waiting 3 days after change that key to confirm
Ok I understand but I’m not an expert, how do you generate a new key from the play console and how do I import it into kodular?
Let’s go again, it’s just a matter of reading
just option api key … and befeore that make new api key form kodular and open and paste to new api key from consul …wait 3 day and finish … and you can upload update with new api key