I want to call External Browser when webviewer required New Tab

Hi i am using Web viewer in my app and i want to call External Browser when webviewer requred New Tab can anyone guide me how to make it?

Use activity startar to open URLs on external browser.

but i want only when new tab requred

Of course. Use activity starter after this.

i did not find any block in web viewer for (when new tab Requred)

Activity starter is a component which is available in connectivity section…
Are you new here… Then spend sometime in learning about the basic…

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You can use when webview url changed then set external browser to true

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yes i tryed this but it is take extranal browser without new tab(i want to call activity starter only when web viewer requred New Tab)

What fo you mean by new tab.do you have any button for new tab

Specify your query clearly do you want custom tab like chrome or you want to call external browser when button click

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No i am linking my blog to my app using web Viewer and and in some post i am giving Google map Location so when user click on like it need to open in extranal browser or need to open google map

Use this extension this helps you to redirect to app if any activity found in your blog or webview

Probably this is what you are looking for: