iCurrency Pro – Powerful Currency Converter App Free / Paid AIA Download

What is the name of your app?

iCurrency Pro


  • Instant currency conversion
  • Easy calculator with results in local currencies
  • 50+ Countries currencies supported
  • User Friendly
  • Daily Currency Rate Update
  • Display Last currency rate update date and time.


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Download AIA


What Is password? for Download aia.

follow the steps i mentioned in my website

Why make it so hard to download an aia? Sometimes i see sites with a lot of ads and now it is a password? Why call it free if it is not?


I agree. It’s a time consuming process based on the UX that I once received feedback for. However, now you’d have to wait for a response because you have to message @techcvr. It’s just in your best interest to either upload to Kodular (if you think they won’t switch storage services again) or to Google Drive/Mega.

Password here

Looking through view-source:, the password is actually https://

Don’t believe me?

function myFunction1() {
    var txt;
   var person = prompt("Please Enter The Password To Download The AIA", "");
    if (person == null || person == "") {
        txt = "";
else if (person.includes("https://")== false) {
txt = "Wrong Password";
else {
      window.location = "";
txt = "Password Matched. Download Started";
    document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = txt;

The link that’s on the site leads you to this:, the extension.


Thanks by this usefull help. I understand, the password is any address with https:// included, for example : “https://ilikefreeaia” it works too :smiley:
Very easy to see in the source code :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s like this even if you “Obfuscate” it because Chrome and other major browsers have to decrypt it to read it.

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Yes, I see. The best way to do it is compressing the aia with a zip or rar with a password. But I don’t see the goal of this, people who wants to share the aia can share directly, or if they want to sell it they can do it. Why need to contact with the programmer ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Only @hammerhai got me correct… I was trying something. Want to see who check the source code for the file download.

Sorry for not telling…


this website doesn’t exist :stuck_out_tongue:
i see someone try to access it, it was only an example :rofl::rofl:

They didn’t see the word - for example


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It’s free because I am not selling it… Maybe this will clear your doubts…

Auto ads by Google Adsense. Not me mr @Peter

Take the password down then since everyone knows it now :joy:

I would have tried some more experiments but you already posted the password here… Lol

So yes I will remove the password option

Just a couple of suggestion if you like to consider

  1. If we access the app during no internet connection, it gives us error alert of unable to get the response from the URL you have used and also the loader(progress indicator) goes into infinite loading. We have to close the app to start again. Screenshot :point_down:

  1. The same progress indicator problem mentioned above arises, if we click the convert button without entering any value. Screenshot :point_down:


thanks for the report… i will fix it ASAP

@hammerhai you can now remove this link coz i have updated the AIA. this one got few bugs

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I can’t Download new Update aia. @techcvr

its because i am working on the update. adding more features

The arrow icon can be turned into a switch where they can opposite the currencies

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